Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekly Update-October 9

In the Classroom

It was so wonderful to be back in the classroom for the full day! In math this week, we finished our subtraction unit. We assessed over this unit on Wednesday. These assessments will be sent home early next week. We also began our next unit, Geometry. We started this unit by looking at different shapes and their properties. Students sorted the shapes in a variety of ways and used known vocabulary to describe how they did it. Here are some pictures of our activity.

Our blogger for the week, Sam, took pictures of the class playing Capture 5 on the 300 chart. 

We continued our study of Economics in Social Studies. We learned about opportunity cost and economic decision making. We also read a book called The Pickle Patch Bathtub. This book is about a family in the 1920's that saved up their money to buy a new bathtub. Students then decided what they wanted to save up for and the steps they would take to get there.

In writing this week, students practiced zooming in on a small moment story. We learned how to focus on one event and stretch our story out by using strong details. In reading, students continued practicing their independent reading and filling out their reading logs. We also used the iPads to read from MYON Reader. Your third grader can log in at or through the myon app to access various books.

Upcoming Events

October 9-Hearing and Vision Screening
October 14-Picture Retake Day
October 16-5th Grade Vocabulary Parade
October 30-Fall Room Party, 2:15-3:00
November 2-No School, Teacher Work Day
November 3-No School, Election Day
November 5-Early Dismissal at 12:50

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