Friday, October 16, 2015

Weekly Update-October 16

In the Classroom

In math this week, students continued their study of geometry. This week was all about the vocabulary! We learned many new words, and are using a variety of activities to help us. Our favorite one is Geometry Simon Says. Each word has a motion, and students enjoy following directions to stay in the Simon Says game. (You can play with your third grader! They know the motions for point, line, line segment, intersecting lines, parallel lines, ray, right angle, acute angle, and obtuse angle.) Each student has a vocabulary booklet where they are drawing pictures and writing definitions. On Wednesday, we used our bodies to act out some of these words! 

On Friday, we used straws and pipe cleaners to build polygons and 3D shapes. Our blogger for the week, Kyri, captured some pictures. 

We finished our Economics unit this week by discussing taxes and assessing on Friday. We will begin our Health unit next. 

In reading, we started our literacy stations. Each student rotates through 4 stations throughout the week: independent reading, word work, writing, and meet with the teacher. With this model, students are always engaged in one of the four activities. I am also able to hold a reading conference with each student. This week in writing, we studied endings and transitions. We also chose one of our personal narratives to take through the publishing process. Look for these finished pieces of writing around conference time.

Jayla earned a Comet Note this week for always helping to keep the classroom picked up and clean!

Congratulations Jayla!

It is already time to start the conference scheduling! You will find the form in the Friday folder this week. Please make every attempt to return this form Monday. It is an expectation that we have a face to face conference to discuss your third grader. Although Thursday, November 12th and Friday, November 13th, are the scheduled conference days, we will work together to find a day and time to meet.

The annual Food Drive begins next week. Our class set of goal of bringing in 100 items of food. ($1 equals 4 cans of food.) Please consider helping our class reach this goal. There is a letter in the Friday folder with more information. 

Upcoming Events

October 30-Fall Room Party, 2:15-3:00
November 2-No School, Teacher Work Day
November 3-No School, Election Day
November 5-Early Dismissal at 12:50
November 12-Parent Teacher Conferences
November 13-No School, Parent Teacher Conferences

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