Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13, 2024


The Comet Carnival is quickly approaching! Please see the papers in the Friday folder for more information about our only fundraiser for the year. Also, please considering donating to our class basket. The theme is Ice Cream.

We have a few teacher workdays coming up. Please note there is no school on Monday, September 23rd and Wednesday, October 2-Friday, October 4th

The highlight of our week was the chicks! Students were able to learn about the life cycle by observing the eggs in the incubator, see them hatch, and analyze their adaptations for survival. We loved having our special guests this week!

In the Classroom

In reading this week, students used articles about animal adaptations to practice asking questions, making mental images, and finding the main idea/supporting details.

We started planning for our first writing project this week. Students will be asked to write an essay that answers the prompt, "How does fur help some animals survive?" We will be taking notes and organizing our information before composing our essays.

This week in math, students have begun learning about multiplication and division. These lessons were introductory, as we will go deeper as the year continues. We also collected data and made bar graphs. Ask your 3rd grader about which ice cream flavor had the greatest number of votes in our room!

Upcoming Events

No School, Teacher Workday-September 23
No School, Teacher Workdays- October 2-4
Comet Carnival-October 11 
Field Trip to CCUA-October 17
Picture Retakes-October 28
Fall Room Parties-October 31

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