Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024


Thank you to everyone who attended our Famous Missourian Breakfast and donated donuts/drinks! If you were not unable to attend but would like to listen to your 3rd grader's speech or just want a copy of the speech, please send me an email and I will send you the video.

Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 17th this year. Here is the sign-up to volunteer!

Our last field trip of the year will be to Fairview Park on Monday, May 20th. The permission slip is in the Friday folder this week. Please sign and return as soon as possible. More info about the field trip coming soon, but we will not need parent volunteers and will be eating lunch at school like normal. 

Last week, we had Tinker Time with Mrs. Hanson in the Media Center. Students were able to choose an activity and use their problem-solving strategies. 

In the Classroom

We finished our 7th unit in our Benchmark curriculum this week. Students used a non-fiction text about different communities to practice a variety of skills including comparing and contrasting. We also took the final iReady diagnostic test this week.

Students who needed to complete their Famous Missourian project used writing time to finish it up this week. Students who were already done were able to create a Historical Fiction piece. They came up with the characters, setting, and plot events to make their story. 

We are finishing up our last math lessons over the next few weeks. We will be focusing heavily on multiplication facts now that we have a good understanding of the concept. We learned a new math game this week called Product Pile-up!

We started our Economics unit this week in Social Studies. Students learned about supply and demand and we also read a book called The Pickle Patch Bathtub. See if your 3rd grader can tell you how much a bathtub costs in 1925!

Upcoming Events

Paxton Fun Run-May 3 (rescheduled from April 26)
Comet Culture Night-May 9, 6:00-8:00
Field Day-May 17
Field Trip to Fairview Park-May 20
Last Day of School, Early Release at 12:50-May 23

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