We had a wonderful Spirit Week! I hope everyone enjoys their Spring Break.
On Monday, we had a couple of visitors. Mr. S from the Science department brought over a chicken named Phantom! The students got to feed Phantom and ask Mr. S questions about eggs, chickens, and coops.
Third grade will be MAP testing April 26, 27, 29, and 30. Please refrain from scheduling appointments or vacations during this time. As testing gets closer, we will ask for iPads to stay at school and chargers to be brought from home. This will allow us to ensure student devices are ready for testing. Please ask your 3rd grader if they have working earbuds or headphones. These will be necessary for the MAP.
Summer School enrollment is open! This year, summer school will go from June 14-July 23. Use this link to enroll online and find more information. Please let me know if you need a paper copy to fill out.
In the Classroom
In reading and writing, we continued with our fiction unit. This week, students used story maps to analyze two stories that contained the same character. We then wrote opinion pieces about that character, using evidence from the stories to support our answers. In guided reading this week, all students read a fiction story and focused on finding the main idea and supporting details. Ask your 3rd grader which story they read! During our small group reading time at the end of the day, we switched gears and did Reader's Theater. The students did an amazing job working on their parts all week and performing for the class on Friday.
We started Unit 6 in math this week. Students learned a subtraction strategy called Trade First. We also played baseball multiplication.
In social studies, we have been learning about Missouri history. Last week, we studied the Native American tribes and Europeans that first called Missouri home. This week, our focus was on enslaved people in Missouri. We will finish this Geography and History unit after Spring Break.
Upcoming Events
Spring Break-March 29-April 2
Back to School 5 days a week-April 5
Early Dismissal at 12:50-April 14
MAP testing-April 26-30
Early Dismissal at 12:50-May 5
Last Day of School-June 3