Friday, January 6, 2017

Weekly Update-January 6


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing break. I loved hearing stories about the fun activities your families did over break. The students and I have used this week to get back into our routines and review expectations. We worked in groups to design posters of what it looks like to be a Paxton Keeley student and a student in our classroom.

Please check with your third grader about supplies. I have many students saying they do not have any more pencils. Some students have also lost their scissors and are using class-supplied pairs. As we still have many months of school left, it would be helpful for your third grader to get additional supplies if they need them.

As it is getting very cold out, please see the policy below regarding going outside for recess:
These are guidelines only and not meant to be a substitute for professional judgment.
32 degrees to 90 degrees – comfortable for outdoor play
10 degrees to 32 degrees – use caution. May be necessary to decrease outdoor time.
10 degrees or below - children should not go outside.
**Temperature includes wind-chill 

See below for a note from our PTA President, Kristin Eastman:
Hello PKE families!

We hope everyone had a wonderful winter break! We have had a few new faces at our meetings, which is so exciting. We hope many more come out for our meeting on Jan. 9th at 6:30pm. PTA has been busy planning exciting events that are coming up in these next few months!

Please add these events to your calendars!

·         Jan. 9 - 23 Shakespeare’s Frozen Pizza Fundraiser
·         Jan. 26 – Family Movie Night 6pm showing The Lego Movie
·         Feb. 9- Bookapalooza
·         April 28 Color Fun Run

We are asking for volunteers to help with the Shakespeare’s Fundraiser. This is an EASY ONE! We are in need of 1-2 people to enter the orders on the Shakepeare’s order form and 1-2 volunteers to help with delivery. The delivery should only last 30-45 minutes. If you can help in any way, please contact PTA President, Kristin Eastman at

Thank you again to all of our families in supporting your child through PTA! If you haven’t had a chance to stop by the playground, we’ve broken ground! YAHOO! This is all due to your hard work!



In the Classroom

In math this week, we started a new unit called Groceries, Stamps, and Measuring Strips. This is a contextual unit which will provide a real world application of the early multiplication concepts we covered before break.

In writing, we continued our work with the non-fiction unit and our expert pieces. Each student made a list of what they already know about their topic and we started organizing our facts into categories.

We used these three days to finish our book club book and practice independent reading. We also read a Scholastic News Magazine.

We finished our science unit on Force. Students explored the force of magnetism by doing the floating pencil trick. We also defied gravity using our magnets!

Upcoming Events
January 9-23-Shakespeare's Frozen Pizza Fundraiser
January 16-No School, MLK Jr. Day
January 26-Family Movie Night at 6:00, The Lego Movie
February 6-No School, Teacher Workday
February 9-Bookapalooza
February 14-Valentine's Day Room Party, 2:15-3:00
February 16-17-Parent Teacher Conferences
February 17-No School
February 20-No School, President's Day

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