Friday, April 3, 2015

Weekly Update-April 3

Upcoming Events

April 7-General PTA meeting at 6:30
April 16 and 21-MAP testing, 8:30-10:00*
April 24-Comet Carnival**

*We have our finalized MAP testing schedule. Third grade has been split into two groups. Our class is part of the second group and will only be testing Thursday, April 16 and Tuesday, April 21st. We will do the Math portion of the test on the 16th and the Communication Arts portion on the 21st. You received more information about the test before Spring Break. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding MAP testing.

** A huge thank you to everyone who has already signed up to help at the Comet Carnival! We still have three spots left if you would like to volunteer. Just click on the link below and scroll down to find our class.

In the Classroom

In math this week, we began our unit on Perimeter, Area, and Volume. We started by discussing what perimeter is and how to find it with many different figures. We will move on to Area next week. In writing, each student chose their opinion piece to publish. We worked on developing a strong thesis, coming up with at least 3 reasons for support, and providing examples and details for each of those reasons. Every student has completed their first draft. Next week, we will focus on revising, editing, and publishing these pieces. In shared reading this week, we discussed non-fiction features by reading the book The Changing Earth. Next week, we will spend some of our reading time looking at practice communication arts test for the MAP. In Science, we began our Weather unit. Students learned about the difference between weather and climate and the three components of a weather forecast. Next week, we will begin studying the tools used to track, record, and predict weather.

I have decided to use the Class Dojo system for these last few months of school. This is the same program Mrs. Cornell uses in P.E., so some of you may already be signed up. In the Friday folder, there is information regarding how your third grader and you can access the program to see their daily and weekly points. This program helps all of us keep track of both positive and negative behaviors. We will do the points on a weekly basis. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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