Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30, 2024


We have had a wonderful couple of weeks in 3rd grade! Thank you for helping get your 3rd grader back into school routine.

You will find the first optional homework packet in the Friday folder. Third graders are expected to read for at least 20 minutes each night. (Please let me know if you need books sent home.) If you would like your 3rd grader to do additional homework, they can work on this packet throughout the month. I will also send home practice as needed for individual students. 

Next week, you will find the first Success Ready Checklist in the Friday folder. Please leave it in the folder and sign. This checklist talks more about behavior and expectations for your 3rd grader and will be done bi-weekly.  

Picture Day is Wednesday, September 4th! All students will have their pictures taken. If you would like to order prints, please see the flyer in the Friday folder this week.

Here are some pictures from the first day of 3rd grade!


Last week, we spent time playing games, learning about our classroom, and practicing to meet classroom expectations.

I loved getting to see the 3rd grader's Me Museums last week! We spent time sharing our items with each other and getting to know one another.

If you did not get a chance to sign up at Meet the Teacher, here is the link to help with room parties, Comet Carnival, etc. It does not mean you are assigned to do anything yet. It simply means you would like your email to be included when signups go out and when our classroom needs help with various things throughout the year.

Or scan this code!

In the Classroom

This week, we spent time reading books together, writing to different prompts, and building our 3rd grade stamina. We also reviewed concepts from 2nd grade to ensure we are ready to begin our official Benchmark units next week!

We have done lots of different math activities this week! Students practiced finding the difference between two numbers, learned about tools like rulers and calculators, and reviewed how to round. Here are pictures of students playing a game called Number Grid Difference.

We have started our Life Cycles unit in Science. This week, we studied the life cycle of various animals and did tons of comparing and contrasting. We even made "flowers and bees" to practice pollination!

 Ask your 3rd grader about the special guests we will be getting next week as part of our unit!

Upcoming Events

No School, Labor Day-September 2
Fall Picture Day-September 4
No School, Teacher Workday-September 23