Friday, October 28, 2016

Weekly Update-October 28


Thank you to all our volunteers for helping with the Fall party Friday! 

You will receive your conference confirmation date and time in the Friday folder. Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule. It is a Paxton Keeley expectation that I have a conference for every student. Please help me reach this expectation!

Weekly Journals were not completed this week. They will resume next Friday. Also, we will be taking a break from spelling for the next two weeks. We will use these shortened weeks to focus on grammar.

PTA is in need of a Bookfair coordinator. The volunteer would coordinate volunteers to ensure that the bookfair runs smoothly. Usually this is done through signup genius.  The coordinator is not responsible for  being at the fair for it’s duration, but may volunteer when needed. The coordinator will work in conjunction with Susan Finke the Media Specialist to plan out volunteer needs for the fair. PTA already has a list of volunteers that can be contacted immediately. Please talk to Susan Finke ( or Kristin Eastman ( if you are interested or have further questions. 

In the Classroom

We completed our Subtraction unit this week by practicing more with subtracting across a zero and word problems. Students went on a subtraction scavenger hunt around the room. 

We took our test on Friday. Our next math unit will cover Time.

In writing this week, we began revising our personal narrative stories. Students did self-revising first by recording their stories and listening back to them. They added, took out, or changed parts to their story based on what they heard.

On Wednesday, we did partner revisions. Each student was asked to be a revisor for another students. I was so impressed with how seriously they took the job. We will complete teacher revisions and start typing our stories next week. 

In reading this week, we focused on self-monitoring strategies. Students learned the three questions they must ask themselves when reading.: 1. Does it look right? 2. Does it sound right? 3. Does it make sense? We also discussed how we can reread, skip a word and come back, use the pictures, or ask for help if we don't know a word or don't understand the story.

In Social Studies this week, we learned about the election. We focused on vocabulary words they have heard and will be hearing, such as senators, representatives, candidates, and polling place. We also read a Scholastic News magazine about the candidates. 
Upcoming Events

October 31-No School, Teacher Work Day
November 8-No School, Election Day
November 10-Parent Teacher Conferences
November 11-No School, Parent Teacher Conferences
November 16-Field Trip to Missouri Theater
November 23-25-No School, Thanksgiving Break
December 9-Winter Open House
December 20-Winter Room Party 2:15-3:00
December 21-January 3-Winter Break

Friday, October 21, 2016

Weekly Update-October 21


You will receive your conference confirmation date and time next week in the Friday folder. Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule. It is a Paxton Keeley expectation that I have a conference for every student. Please help me reach this expectation!

In the Classroom

In math this week, we practicing subtracting 3 digit numbers. Students used base ten blocks to help them understand how to regroup the ones and tens if needed. We also studied how to subtract across a zero. For example, 405-259. This can be a difficult concept for third graders, so extra help at home would be beneficial. We will assess over subtraction next week and move on to our next unit, Time. 

We started the week in writing by making a list of ways NOT to end our personal narratives. We know now that writing the words, The End, does not mean your story is finished. You have to wrap your story up and make sure your reader gets a sense of closure. Students also chose their small moment story to take through the publishing process. Look for the completed project around Conference time!

In reading this week, we used the non-fiction book called, Lighthouses: Beacons of the Past to practice the reading skill of asking questions. We had so many questions about lighthouses! Here are just some of the questions we had before, during, and after reading the book.

After we finished the book, we went through and sorted the questions based on if we found the answers or not. 

We took a few of the questions we never found answers to and did a little research. We discovered who the first light keeper was in the U.S. and we also learned there is a lighthouse in South Carolina that has an elevator!

Since we finished our Economics unit last week, we used some of this time to catch up on BFG activities. We practiced speaking Gobblefunk (the language the BFG uses) by making up our own words. 

We also had another mystery skype with a class reading the BFG! This time, it was a 5th grade class in Pennsylvania.  We enjoyed getting to see their classroom and discussing the book with them. Our bloggers helped take pictures. 

We also connected with another class in Virginia on Friday. They were a group of 3rd graders also reading the BFG. It was wonderful getting to ask them questions about the book and hear their ideas.

Upcoming Events

October 28-Fall Room Party 2:15-3:00
October 28-Flu Shots
October 31-No School, Teacher Work Day
November 8-No School, Election Day
November 10-Parent Teacher Conferences
November 11-No School, Parent Teacher Conferences
November 16-Field Trip to Missouri Theater
November 23-25-No School, Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 14, 2016

Weekly Update-October 14


We had an awesome Game Day Celebration on Wednesday afternoon! 

A reminder that Wednesday, October 19th, is an early dismissal. Students will be dismissing at 12:50. If your third grader is getting home a different way than usual, please send me a note or email. 

We also have Fandom Friday next week. Students are encouraged to wear gear to support their favorite sporting team. 

In the Classroom

We learned a bit of algebra this week in math, as students were asked to find a missing number to complete equations. Students also studied the stacking and regrouping strategy for subtraction. We focused on two digit problems this week and will move on to three digit and subtracting across a zero next week.

In writing this week, we focused on crafting strong beginnings that accomplish three things: 1. They hook the reader. 2. They tell the reader the characters that will be in the story. 3. They tell the reader the setting of the story. Students went on an "Amazing Beginning" scavenger hunt in our room. They looked for amazing beginnings that caught their attention. Next week, we will choose a story from our writer's notebook to take through the publishing process. 

In reading this week, students focused on making predictions. We used the clues the author gave us as well as our own background knowledge to make reasonable predictions.

We have been enjoying our Global Read Aloud book, The BFG! On Friday, we were able to connect with a class in Canada! We played Mystery Skype with them, which is where the two classes try to guess where the other one is located by asking yes or no questions. After that, we had a discussion about the book and we talked about what it's like to live in the U.S. and Canada. We learned it's snowing there right now and they never get snow days!

We finished our Economics unit this week by talking about taxes. Students learned the 3 main type of taxes, who they are paid to, and what taxes are used for. Next week, we will begin talking about the Election process our country uses.  

Upcoming Events

October 19-Early Dismissal at 12:50
October 21-Fandom  Friday (wear your favorite sports team apparel)
October 28-Fall Room Party 2:15-3:00
October 28-Flu Shots
October 31-No School, Teacher Work Day
November 8-No School, Election Day
November 10-Parent Teacher Conferences
November 11-No School, Parent Teacher Conferences

Friday, October 7, 2016

Weekly Update-October 7


A huge thank you to everyone who helped at the Comet Carnival! I enjoyed seeing everyone there, and I know the students had a fabulous time. A group of students who were there at the same time decided to get a class photo in the photo booth! 

We still need a game for our Fall party! Even if you cannot make the party, I can lead the game if you send in the materials.     Fall Party Sign-up Link:

We had a few indoor recesses this week, and students were very creative!

In the Classroom

In math this week, we started our Subtraction unit. Students discussed various strategies for subtracting including using a hundreds chart and breaking the numbers apart. We also practiced estimating. We will look at the stacking and regrouping strategy next week.

In writing this week, we continued "exploding" our small moment stories. We working on showing instead of just telling. This means we use strong details that make the reader picture our stories in their heads.Each student was given a tell and asked to write a paragraph that would show the same thing.

Come see the rest on our class bulletin board!

In reading this week, we worked on the story element of plot. Students used a graphic of a roller coaster to think about the beginning, climax, and ending of stories. We also started our first round of guided reading groups. Each student read a folktale and discussed plot.

Global Read Aloud started this week! We are participating in their world-wide event that involves everyone doing the same read aloud book at the same time. We are reading The BFG by Roald Dahl. We have connected with a few classes around the country by participating in a padlet (an online forum to post pictures, videos, and ask questions.)

We will be connecting with more classes to discuss the book next week!

In Economics this week, students learned about opportunity cost. We discussed how making choices on how to spend money means there are other things we do not get to have. We also read a book called, The Pickled Patch Bathtub. This book is about a family from 1955 that is saving up to buy a bathtub. Each child in the family has to decide to give up something else they are saving for in order to pool their money together and get the tub. We thought about our own savings plan and how we were going to reach our savings goal.

Upcoming Events

October 13-Picture Retake Day
October 19-Early Dismissal at 12:50
October 21-Fandom  Friday (wear your favorite sports team apparel)
October 28-Fall Room Party 2:15-3:00
October 28-Flu Shots
October 31-No School, Teacher Work Day
November 8-No School, Election Day
November 10-Parent Teacher Conferences
November 11-No School, Parent Teacher Conferences