Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17, 2025


We are finally getting back into our routine! Students did a great job this week and worked hard on their assignments.

Please note that Conference forms for February are coming home in the Friday folder. Please return these as soon as possible so I may begin scheduling. If you have more than one Paxton student, the teacher(s) and I work to plan these conferences back to back. Please indicate if you would like a break between them.

We will be attending a field trip to the Rock Bridge High School Planetarium on Thursday, February 13th. We will leave Paxton around 9 and return before 11. Parent volunteers are not needed on this trip. Please sign the field trip form (front and back) in the Friday folder this week and return.

If I have any academic or behavior concerns, there will be a midmester form in the Friday folder next week. 

In the Classroom

We spent time this week completing the Reading iReady. Scores will be shared at our conference. We also started reading a new folktale called "Rabbit and Coyote." We used this story to practice asking questions, recounting story events, and analyzing illustrations. 

For writing this unit, students will be completing a narrative journal entry. We are studying point of view, and students will be retelling the Rabbit and Coyote folktale from a different character's perspective. So far, we have analyzed character traits and planned for our writing. We will complete our first drafts next week.

In math this week, we have been studying fractions. Students have learned about numerators/denominators and identified equivalent fractions. We also did more work with our multiplication facts. 

We began our Force unit in Science. Ask your third grader how a group of kids could beat a group of adults in tug of war! We also studied balanced/unbalanced forces, and looked at bridge engineering. 

Upcoming Events

No School, MLK Jr. Day-January 20
Early Release at 12:50-February 7
Valentine's Room Party-February 13
Field trip to Planetarium-February 13
Early Release-February 14